The Indicators of the Padakhep palliTo ensure employment for the inhabitants of Padakhep palli and alleviation of poverty of its poor /ultra poor; to ensure education, nutrition, sanitation, health services and food security to the villagers; to ensure the use of quality inputs (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, etc.) and rearing of cow, goat, poultry, fish culture IGAs; to ensure education for all children living in the palli; to improve ability of the villagers to manage disasters/risks; to make the villagers aware about rights for health, HIV/AIDs and for other basic needs and to ensure ability to solve problems socially and overall quality improvement of all family members of the Padakhep palli. ![]() Associate/strategic partnersPadakhep has so far involved around 250 local level NGOs as associate/strategic partners for operating microfinance, agriculture, education, health and HIV/AIDS activities all over Bangladesh. Padakhep provides them both financial and capacity building support.![]() Indicators of a poverty-free ideal/typical Padakhep familyImproved family bondage; different income generating activities (IGA) like cow/goat, poultry rearing, production of improved vegetables and fruittrees in homesteads, fish culture in homestead ponds, plantation of different trees around the ponds; use of seeds of improved HYVs, compost, biogas and/or solar energy, sanitary latrines, arsenic-free water by the family; making family members aware about cleanliness; creating facility for marketing of family-produced produces, education for children, planned family; awareness about health & gender issues; ability of the family to manage disasters/risks, awareness of the family about their rights for education, health services and finally the acceptability of the family by the society.
The principal strategy of Padakhep in managing the programs/projects is to follow a participatory development approach involving and activating both the stakeholders and the beneficiaries as development partners. The approach is named "Holistic Development Approach" (HDA). In order to improve the livelihood of people including the poor, Padakhep has been following this approach through implementing a host of interventions centering on community or Padakhep Palli. Padakhep’s program interventions are developed or designed in line with Poverty Reduction Strategy Plan (PRSP) and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for addressing the priority issues like education, training and skills development, microfinance, agriculture, technology, marketing, health, mother and child care, sanitation, nutrition, etc. Unlike many other NGOs in the country which are confined to Minimalist approach (only Microcredit), Padakhep is promoting or pursuing a Maximalist approach (Microcredit plus HDA approach) to break the vicious cycle of poverty. The organization strongly believes that HDA is the most appropriate approach/strategy for sustainable development of the poor and the community as a whole.
Strategies being used to implement different development programs/projects